Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Peace. Joy. Noel. - December 5, 6 & 7 and More Please - December 12, 13 & 14

December already?  We are not sure where the months have gone but we have reached the end of our 2013 openings.  It is our final stretch of the year, open two weekends this month with a whole lot of Christmas mixed with some great vintage finds and gifts for the holiday season.  Yes, we did say two weekends so if you don't get your fill during Peace. Joy. Noel., you can come on back for More Please next weekend. 

This month is a time for relaxing with family (Peace), taking in and celebrating the season (Joy) and of course gathering for the holiday (Noel).  We thank you for finding time to gather with us as part of your monthly ritual and bringing your enthusiasm each and every month.   Hope you enjoy our offerings for this holiday season and we look forward to continuing to be your Re-Treat from the ordinary and a source of inspiration as we move into another year.

Peace. Joy. Noel. 

  More pics on Facebook.